
Thanks for stopping in. Sit down for a minute and relax, reflect, give thanks. Come back often for good pictures and my thoughts on real life.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Photography and Illustrations Portfolio: Bob Helvey

Photography and Illustrations Portfolio: Bob Helvey

Hey this is the link you can use to look at my latest photography. Make comments, become a fan or even a customer. I'm shooting weddings the next two weekends

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lots of photography

I've been shooting a lot of stock photography lately; not cows. Images that magazines and corporations will buy to enhance their product; that's what I mean. Vintage automobiles and nature are my latest focus. Recently I did a project for the Prospect Latin School for their website. Check me out at http://www.bobhelvey.com/ and become a fan and/or customer.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bob Helvey Photography

Check out my new website (http://www.bobhelvey.com/) for a variety of photography. You will find portraits, photojournalism, churches, spiritual reflection, and even an old car. Get someone to sign up as a new customer and get an image for 50% off. That's a deal!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

School is almost ready to begin as the calendar rolls forward. This student is excited about her senior year in high school. Little did she know how her future would unfold growing up in Africa

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Senior Portraits

Here is a black and white image from a session a few days ago (the day before the recent Louisville flooding). I will be posting more images on my website. I like overlaying activities plus a variety of poses. This young man is a lacrosse player and we got some really good shots in uniform.
I am doing more and more photography in the Louisville area, which makes sense -- I live here.
To go directly to my website go to the bottom of my homepage and type in bob helvey in the Photo Shelter search area.

To contact me directly call 502.396.3705